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3 Surefire Ways to Get the Most Out of Aries Season

We are 3 months into the year. Once the Sun enters Aries the Earth starts to warm up and our warrior energy is too. Learn what Aries is all about and how Aries is present in the world around us. Read this article for 3 Surefire ways to get the most out of Aries season.

Aries Characteristics

March 21-April 19 is the time of Aries. It is associated with the ram, an animal that can be stubborn and is into headbutting. The sign is considered the first sign of the zodiac. This seems fitting as Aires happens during the start of Spring as everything is starting to grow and become new.

The Earth is warming up and buzzing with fresh energy. Aries is a fire sign, full of passion and vitality. Aries is a competitive sign that wants to be the first to do something. Being the first sign gives Aires a youthful energy. It contains self-confidence and drive. It will push to get what it wants.

Aries Ruled by Mars

Mars is the ruler of Aries. Mars’s energy is masculine and ambitious. Mars is about sex and strength too. With the help of Mars, Aries is a sign that is about strength, competition, challenges, passion, independence, and drive. It is brave and has the desire to be in charge. Aries is a powerful force that doesn’t stop until it has won every challenge in its path.

Aries Season

Life is coming back to the plants and animals around us. Baby animals are out and about We are starting to get more sunlight and the days are getting warmer. The energy is bursting forth. We feel it in ourselves too.

If you’re like me, you find it easier to wake up in the morning this time of year. You feel like you can take on more each day. The nicer weather makes you want to get outside again. You want to get moving and have fun! This is Aries energy. It’s exciting and I don’t want you to miss out!

Get the Most out of Aries Season

Increase your Physical Activity

Aries Season

Aries is getting your fire going again. The sun rises earlier in the morning each day. Take advantage of this by getting your body moving. Go for a morning walk, run, bike ride, or anything that gets you moving again. It doesn’t have to be in the morning either.

Swing by the gym after work or hiking on your day off. Get back into your body. Feel the strength that you have and increase it. Aries has lots of enthusiasm for life and doesn’t like to sit still. Its’ more aggressive nature is perfect for a kickboxing class or anything that gets your blood pumping.

Forget New Year’s Resolutions, now is the time to commit to running every day or starting a fitness routine. The Drive and passion of Aries will help you see it through.

Start Something New

The cardinal nature of Aries aids you in starting a new adventure. Aries is the initiator of the zodiac and it’ll help motivate you to get started on that project that has been on your to-do list for too long. What have you wanted to do but just never had the “time” or energy to do? Now is the perfect time to get out and try something new. Try your hand at a craft or a new method of cooking. You may find fun in getting competitive in how well you can do it or how fast you can get it done.

Take on a Challenge

Aires won’t back down and it’s encouraging you to do the same. What have you been too afraid to do? Aries is brave and you can be too. Tackle a fear. You have Aires on your side and you’ll be surprised at how well you do. You’ll make mistakes but that’s ok. Aries is driven and will keep you going until you accomplish what you set out to do. You’ll end up a leader in the field if Aries has anything to do with it.

Aries Corrospondences


Crystals– There are many crystals to help harness the positive traits of Aries or redirect the negative traits as well. My favorite crystal to help me during Aries Season is citrine.

Aries Crystal

Herbs– There are many different herbs ruled by Aries and/or Mars. My favorite herbal association is Ginger. It’s spicy like the fire sign Aries. According to Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, ginger’s magical properties include love, money, success, and power. Make some ginger tea or add some ginger to your dinner. However you incorporate it, it’s a wonderful way to add some power and success to your Aries Season.

Aries Season

So now you know Aries is an ambitious, brave sign, that likes competition and being the best. Aries takes initiative and is not afraid to head into battle. You just read the 3 surefire ways to make the most of Aries season.

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