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Autumn Equinox Rituals

Powerful Autumn Equinox Rituals to Celebrate Balance, Abundance, and Release

Autumn Equinox Rituals are practices that focus on the balance of day and night, the abundance of the summer harvest, and the return to cooler, darker days.

When is the Autumn Equinox and Why We Celebrate It

The Autumn Equinox is an astronomical event that marks the transition from summer to autumn in the northern hemisphere. It occurs when the Earth’s axis is neither tilted away from nor towards the sun, resulting in roughly equal amounts of daylight and darkness on that day. The word “equinox” is derived from Latin, meaning “equal night.”

In the northern hemisphere, the autumn equinox usually takes place around September 22nd or 23rd. This date may vary slightly from year to year, but it typically falls within this time frame. It is important to note that the timing of the equinox is opposite in the southern hemisphere, where it marks the transition from winter to spring.

During the autumn equinox, the sun crosses the celestial equator, moving from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere.

This event signals the beginning of fall and brings noticeable changes in weather, as the days gradually become shorter and temperatures begin to cool.

It is a time when nature undergoes a transformation, with leaves changing color and harvest season approaching.

Culturally and historically, the autumn equinox holds significance in various traditions and is often celebrated with rituals, festivals, and gatherings to honor the changing season and express gratitude for the abundance of the harvest.

Themes of the Autumn Equinox Rituals

As we think about how we want to mark this seasonal change, it’s important to consider the symbolism of the Autumn Equinox. The symbolism of the autumn equinox encompasses themes of balance, harvest, transition, and gratitude. Here are some key aspects of its symbolism:

  1. Balance: The autumn equinox represents a moment of balance between day and night. It symbolizes the equilibrium of light and darkness, highlighting the importance of finding harmony and equilibrium in our own lives. It serves as a reminder to seek a balance between work and rest, action and reflection, and various aspects of our existence.
  2. Harvest and Abundance: The autumn equinox is closely associated with the harvest season. It symbolizes the culmination of hard work, patience, and growth, as it marks the time when crops are harvested and abundance is celebrated. It signifies a time of reaping the rewards of our efforts, expressing gratitude for the bountiful gifts of nature, and acknowledging the cycle of life and sustenance.
  3. Transition and Change: As summer transitions into autumn, the equinox represents a period of change and transition. It signifies the shift from summer’s warmth and vitality to fall’s coolness and introspection. Symbolically, it encourages us to embrace change, let go of what no longer serves us, and prepare for the upcoming season of introspection, reflection, and inner growth.
  4. Gratitude and Reflection: The autumn equinox is a time to express gratitude for the abundance in our lives and reflect on our blessings. It encourages us to appreciate the beauty of nature, the harvest, and the support we receive from our communities. It prompts us to reflect on the cycle of life and the impermanence of things, reminding us to be mindful of the present moment and cultivate a sense of gratitude for what we have.

In summary, our ancestors regarded the autumn equinox as a sacred and transformative period. They celebrated the harvest, expressed gratitude for the Earth’s abundance, and recognized the balance between light and darkness.

Their rituals and beliefs reflected a deep reverence for the cyclical nature of life and the importance of maintaining harmony within oneself and with the natural world.

Today, we can draw inspiration from their wisdom, incorporating elements of their ancestral practices as we honor the autumn equinox in our own lives.

We can use this equinox to find harmony in our lives and with nature. Nature is a visual reminder of the cycles of life. Connecting to the cycles found in nature helps us recognize and connect to the cycles within our lives.

Autumn Equinox Rituals

Observing the Shift in Seasons

Observing and reflecting on the seasonal shifts during the autumn equinox can be a powerful practice that deepens our connection with the natural world and invites us to attune to the rhythms of life.

As we witness the transition from the warmth and vibrancy of summer to the coolness and introspection of fall, we are reminded of the impermanence and cyclical nature of all things.

Taking the time to observe and reflect on these shifts allows us to align ourselves with the energy of the season and gain valuable insights about our own lives.

During the autumn equinox, we can engage in mindful observation of nature’s transformation. We can witness the changing colors of the leaves, the gradual shortening of daylight, and the arrival of migrating birds.

By immersing ourselves in this observation, we attune to the inherent wisdom of nature and recognize that just as the seasons shift and evolve, so do our own lives.

Through reflection, we can contemplate the lessons of impermanence and change, embracing the invitation to let go of what no longer serves us and prepare for the quieter, introspective months ahead. This practice encourages us to find balance, adaptability, and gratitude as we honor the shifting seasons within and around us.

Go for a Walk in Nature

Don’t think you need to find yourself deep in an old-growth forest to make this meaningful. If you have one nearby that must be amazing. And by all means, do go there for daily walks and soak in all the seasonal changes.

However, If you are like me, you live in a more urban setting. I take my dog for walks around the neighborhood and find plenty of plants and animals to observe. I can watch all the garden beds change throughout the seasons. I notice the trees and shrubs that change and drop their leaves in the fall.

Just get outside as often as you can and take in the sun, and the breeze, notice what birds or animals you see and what they are doing. You’ll find it very meditative. It will relax you and you’ll feel better connected to the natural world at large.

Celebrate the Harvest by Eating Seasonal Foods

Eating seasonal autumn foods not only nourishes our bodies with the nutrients they need during this time of transition but also connects us to the natural rhythms of the Earth.

Choosing to eat seasonal autumn foods allows us to embrace the wisdom of nature’s cycles and supports our bodies in adapting to the changing season.

Incorporating these foods into our meals not only supports our physical health but also fosters a deeper connection with the Earth and its natural rhythms, reminding us to savor the abundance and beauty of each season.

eat seasonal foods as a Autumn Equinox ritual.

Eat Seasonal Foods: Autumn Equinox Rituals

We have a Plum tree in our yard. Every September the plumbs are picked and cut and I make Plumb Crisp. My family loves it and Autumn is the only time we eat it. It makes it very special. I find the practice of picking, cleaning, and slicing the plumbs very sacred. I know that everyone is looking forward to my crisp and it will be a special evening that we will all enjoy around the table together.

Make your own seasonal dish that brings your family together.

For a complete list of Fall produce specific to your area check out this site.

Personal Rituals at the Autumn Equinox

Create an Autumn Alter

Creating an autumn altar is a beautiful way to honor the energy and symbolism of the season, and to bring a sense of sacredness and intention into your living space.

Begin by selecting items that reflect the essence of autumn, such as fallen leaves, pinecones, acorns, or dried flowers in warm, earthy tones. Collect these items during your ritual nature walk or straight out of your yard.

Arrange them on your altar in a way that feels visually pleasing and meaningful to you. Consider incorporating seasonal symbols like pumpkins, gourds, or cornucopias, as well as candles in autumn colors like orange, red, and gold to evoke the warmth and glow of the season.

In addition to natural elements, you can include meaningful objects that represent your intentions or reflect the themes of autumn. Here are a few examples below that you may consider. (the images contain affiliate links that will earn me a small commission when used)

Select a Tarot or Oracle card corresponding to your intention or wishes for the upcoming season. Place it on your altar to remind you of your intention.

As you arrange these items on your autumn altar, infuse them with your intentions and prayers, and take a moment to connect with the symbolism and energy of the season. This sacred space can serve as a focal point for your autumn rituals, meditation, or simply as a reminder to embrace the beauty and transformation that this season brings.

Autumn Equinox Rituals: Journaling Reflections

grab a pen an paper and journal as part of your autumn equinox rituals.

I highly encourage everyone to journal all year long but that may feel daunting if you are new to the practice.

Instead, at least break out the pen and paper for these ritual moments throughout the year. Putting thoughts on paper is therapeutic. It is also helpful to look back on past entries and see the growth you’ve made.

For a list of journal prompts check out my post, Autumn Equinox Journaling Prompts: Find Harmonious Balance in Your Life

Autumn Equinox Ritual: Leaf Release

Symbolic Leaf Release: Collect a few leaves, either naturally fallen or ethically sourced, and hold them during your autumn equinox ritual. As you reflect on the season and your intentions, imbue the leaves with your wishes, aspirations, or anything you wish to release or let go of. When ready, go to an open area outdoors, raise the leaves to the sky, and release them to the wind. Visualize your intentions being carried away by the breeze, allowing the air element to assist in manifesting your desires or helping you release what no longer serves you.


In conclusion, I hope you found these suggestions helpful. I want you to walk away with ideas that will help you create your own Autumn Equinox rituals that bring meaning to your life and help you connect with nature.

Make your rituals your own. Make them as elaborate or simple as you’d like. Rituals do not need to be complex or time-consuming to be worthwhile. As long as you do them with intention and purpose you will feel like you have done something sacred.