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Embrace Sagittarius Season

You don’t have to have be a Sagittarius to enjoy this time of year. Sagittarius is in all of our personalities somewhere. Let’s use this time to fully explore the energies of this season. In this article I’ll give you ways that you can embrace Sagittarius season.

By Jacopo Montano – Uranographia, Johann Bode, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2409111

When is Sagittarius Season?

Sagittarius season is November 22- December 21. The symbol of this sign is that of the centurion archer. The legs are that of a horse and the upper half is that of a human with a bow and arrow. This is a mutable fire sign. Simply put, it is an energy that is spontaneous, passionate, confident, is open to change, travel and is all about expanding the mind.

Now, let’s dive in!

What is it all about?

The symbolism of the centaur depicts grounding, as it has four hooves on the ground. Steady, practical and logical. The arrows it shoots leave the grounded centaur and shoots off into the sky giving way to big ideas. This description helps us understand Sagittarius’ need for learning about things bigger than its self and its need for freedom.

Now, add the fact that its’ ruling planet is Jupiter. Being ruled by the largest planet in our solar system sheds light on the expansive, adventurous nature of this zodiac sign. Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, and adventure. It loves to laugh and have fun. Jupiter rules Thursdays. Sagittarius is all about travel, adventure, philosophy, religion, abundance, joy, and expansion. They following are ways to make the most of this season.

Abundance and Gratitude in Sagittarius Season

This is the time of year that we celebrate the Winter Solstice and Thanksgiving here in America. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that these holidays fall under Sagittarius season. They are both about gratitude and abundance. Celebrate one or both of these holidays to really live your Sagittarius energy.

Thanksgiving is always on Jupiter’s day, Thursday! There is no better day to express gratitude for life’s bounty. Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate Jupiter’s role in our lives as a joyful, beneficent character that provides us with abundance.

The Winter Solstice is the day with the least amount of daylight and the longest night of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere it is December 21 or 22. Regardless of where you lived, this time marked the end of the long nights and the beginning of the Sun’s return. This was the time of year that wine and beer were finally fermented and ready to drink. Animals were slaughtered for the up coming winter and meat was plentiful. I recommend grabbing your friends and a favorite libation. Start a fire to light the long night and and be grateful for making it to this point of the year, it wasn’t always a given.

There are many myths and legends associated with this day from many cultures. Embrace the Sagittarius nature and learn all about them! Not only will you expand your mind but one may really resonate with you and it will change the way you celebrate this holiday.


Take a day trip, a long weekend, or spend the whole month in a different country! Going some where different opens you up to new things and enriches your life. You’ll learn so much. You’ll be living your best Sagittarian life. If you can’t get out of the house (or don’t want to), grab a book about a different corner of the world and snuggle under the covers on these cold short days to get your travel fix.

Learn Something New

This time of year draws us inward. The weather keeps us inside and we tend to keep to ourselves. Now is the time to learn something new. Pick up a new hobby, brush up on a topic that you always wanted to know more about, study philosophy. What ever sparks your interest just go for it. Sagittarius has an open mind and wants to discover all the world has to offer.

Getting out of your Routine

There is no room for adventure if you live by a strict routine. Loosen up a bit and shake things up. Try a new restaurant, take a new way to work, talk to that stranger on the train. You never know what’s going to happen and that’s the fun of it! Make life fresh and exciting.

Aim your Arrow High

No matter what’s going on in your little bubble, I think exploring new ideas, trying new things, and being grateful for what you have are all concepts that can make us feel more satisfied with life and just make it more rewarding. Seize some of Sagittarius’ characteristics this season and I hope you learn to live your best life in the process.


3 responses to “Embrace Sagittarius Season”

  1. Sounds like a perfect time to start your blog! A new adventure!

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      Foxglove and Flannel

      Thank you for reading my Blog. Let the adventure begin!

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