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herbal aphrodisiacs

Spice Up Your Love Life with a Homemade Love Potion: Herbal Aphrodisiacs

Valentine’s Day is approaching and you want to spice up your evening together. OR maybe it’s an anniversary or birthday and you don’t feel like you have the same libido you had in your twenties. Whatever the reason, read on to learn how you can make a love potion with herbal aphrodisiacs to increase your desire and make any night a sexy time.

How Do Herbal Aphrodisiacs Work?

First, let’s clear up any misunderstandings. It’s possible that whatever issue you are having in the bedroom can’t be fixed by a one-time drink or snack. Many aspects of your health and lifestyle could be the problem. Seek guidance from a trained medical practitioner.

Next, You should know that physiological and lifestyle factors play a part in sexual health. Multiple systems within your body control and regulate your sexual health as well as Diet and Exercise.

Areas that Herbal Aphrodisiacs can help Enhance

Here’s how each area contributes to sexual function:

  • Cardiovascular System– Adequate blood flow to the tissue of erogenous zones is necessary for full sensitivity
  • Nervous System– A relaxed body and mind is key to being open for sexual intercourse
  • Endocrine System– This system regulates your hormones, if your hormones are off that can lead to problems
  • Reproductive System – Disease in any of the reproductive organs can cause sex to be unenjoyable, painful, or incomplete
  • Diet – Getting proper nutrition full of vitamins and minerals is important for sex hormone balance, along with the health of the nervous system and keeping the cardiovascular system running efficiently
  • Exercise– Improves cardiovascular health and mental well-being, helps reduce stress

Stress, unbalanced hormones, dietary deficiencies, and cardiovascular conditions like Hypertension, vascular disease, or reproductive stressors like Endometriosis, or menopause to name a few can all be factors in a decreased interest in sex or lack of enjoyment of it.

Ways Herbal Aphrodisiacs Help Balance

In conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, here are ways that herbs can aid in sexual health and act as herbal aphrodisiacs

  • Herbs can aid the endocrine system if your hormones are off balance.
  • Increase blood flow to certain areas of your body to increase sensitivity and arousal.
  • Melts Stress away so you can relax and be in the moment and not in your head.
  • Aromatic herbs trigger memory and emotions. Sometimes all you need is the right aroma to get you in the mood,
  • Strengthen and rebalance your body by finding the herb that compliments your needs and look forward to a healthy sex life again.

As you can see many factors play into one’s sexual health, there isn’t necessarily one aspect or one herb that is the solution.

What Herbs can be used as Herbal Aphrodiacs?

This is by no means a comprehensive list of Herbs that are Aphrodiacs. This is just a small selection and the ones that I have used in the following recipes.

Learn more about how herbs are used to aid in your sex drive, how to aid erectile dysfunction, or promote your reproductive health. Herbal Academy has an online Herbal Aphrodiaiac Intensive course that explains it all. Click Here to start your own Herbal Journey.

Herbal Aphrodisiacs Intensive


This herb has long been associated with love and sex. It was originally named after Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love.

Damiana is commonly used as an aphrodisiac due to its potential to stimulate the nervous system and genitals.

It is believed to boost nerve sensitivity, improve orgasmic ability, and act as a sexual and nervous system tonic. With actions such as being an aphrodisiac, nervine stimulant, and hormone regulator, Damiana may contribute to increased libido and sexual well-being.

Additionally, it is valued for addressing issues like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and testicular atrophy.

Caution is advised for individuals with specific health conditions, and long-term or excessive use should be avoided.


Vanilla, known for its smooth and sensual flavor, has potential benefits for sexual health.

Historically used by the Mayan and Aztec peoples, vanilla is now a popular global flavoring. Its scent has a calming effect, awakening pleasant memories.

Vanilla is noted for potential benefits to the nervous system, addressing emotional trauma, anxiety, or low libido due to nervous tension.


Ginger, a potent warming herb, plays a significant role in promoting sexual health.

Its actions as a circulatory stimulant and smooth muscle antispasmodic make it a traditional aphrodisiac. While clinical evidence regarding its direct impact on erectile function is lacking, ginger’s protective cardiovascular effects and ability to improve blood flow align with holistic approaches to enhance overall sexual well-being.

Additionally, ginger is renowned for alleviating nausea, supporting digestion, and reducing menstrual cramping, emphasizing its multifaceted benefits for reproductive health.

Caution is advised for those on anticoagulant medications due to potential interactions, although dietary use is generally considered safe.


Rose, with its captivating colors, fragrance, and soft petals, goes beyond mere beauty—it offers both physical and emotional well-being.

In the realm of sexual health, the rose’s gentle, deep floral scent is believed to be both relaxing and stimulating, catering to individual arousal needs.

Used for generations and associated with love and beauty, the rose holds a calming essence that promotes a sense of love, emphasizing the importance of approaching challenges from a place of love for holistic well-being.

Rose petals offer versatile applications, from cosmetics to teas and oils. Ayurvedic preparations and commercial products like rose essential oil contribute to the holistic benefits.

Adding rose petals to tea or baths enhances not only the energetic effect but also adds color and beauty to the blend.

Caution is advised as rose petals may reduce iron absorption when taken with iron-rich foods or supplements. Dermal use of rose essential oil and absolute should adhere to specified concentration levels for safety.


Cinnamon, available in Ceylon and Chinese varieties, is renowned for its diverse benefits. As a warming spice, it has antimicrobial, antinauseant, and circulatory stimulant properties. Used for millennia in culinary and traditional medicine, cinnamon aids digestion and circulation and addresses cold-related issues. It serves as an effective remedy for cold conditions, including digestive discomfort and respiratory concerns.

Its warming and relaxing attributes extend to aphrodisiac use, promoting blood flow and providing uplifting energy. Cinnamon’s pleasant taste complements other herbs in aphrodisiac recipes. While generally safe in culinary amounts, caution is advised during pregnancy, with blood-thinning medications, and for insulin users due to potential effects on blood glucose levels. Topical application requires careful concentration control to avoid skin irritation.

Love Potion Recipes using Herbal Aphrodiacs

Here are just a few recipes that you could use to heat up your romantic night. In addition to the medicinal properties of the herbs, they help entice the senses with their rich taste, aromatic aroma, and enhancing sensual touch.

Herbal Aphrodisiac-Chocolate Liquor Love Potion

This sophisticated blend not only delights your taste buds but also creates a relaxing ambiance, perfect for unwinding and setting the mood for love. Sip and savor the harmonious combination of velvety chocolate, the smooth kick of brandy, and the natural sweetness of honey, enhanced by the gentle, mood-enhancing qualities of damiana. Elevate your moments with this luscious elixir that tantalizes the senses and fosters a romantic atmosphere.

Damiana Chocolate Love Potion

Indulge in a decadent and sensual experience with our exquisite chocolate drink infused with the rich warmth of brandy, the sweet allure of honey, and the subtle touch of damiana.
Prep Time5 days
Author: Adapted from Rosemary Gladstar


  • 16 fl oz brandy
  • 16 fl oz chocolate syrup
  • 12 fl oz water
  • 1 cup honey
  • 1 oz 1 cup damiana (Turnera diffusa) leaf
  • 1 tsp vanilla


  • Combine damiana leaves and brandy in a clean, dry glass jar. Place a square piece of natural waxed paper on top of the jar, then seal the jar with a lid (this protects the extract from any chemical coating that may be on the lid).
  • Label the jar and place in a warm location for 5 days before straining and reserving the liquid.
  • Place the alcohol-soaked damiana leaves in a clean glass jar and cover with just-boiled water. Cover the jar with a cap and allow the mixture to steep for 15-20 minutes before straining and reserving the liquid.
  • Pour the damiana-infused water and honey into a clean stainless steel saucepan. Gently warm over low heat, stirring until the honey is dissolved. Remove the pan from heat, add the alcohol extract, and stir again.
  • Pour the liquid into a clean, decorative glass bottle. Add the chocolate syrup and vanilla for flavor. Cap, label, and store refrigerated for 1 month to let the flavors meld.
  • Enjoy 1-2 fluid ounces after dinner. Continue to store in the refrigerator.

Herbal Aphrodisiac Spiced Tea

Indulge in the ritual of sipping this delightful tea regularly to experience a gradual yet noticeable enhancement in libido. Elevate your intimate moments with the natural power of herbal aphrodisiacs, calming herbs, and blood-flow-promoting spices blended into every cup.

Sexy and Spicey Tea

A favorite sexual tonic, damiana is the shining star in this aphrodisiac tea blend. Enjoy hot or cold—either way, this refreshing tea will soothe the nerves and stimulate the senses.
Author: Adapted from Diana DeLuca’s Botanica Erotica (DeLuca, 1997).


  • 1 cup damiana Turnera diffusa leaf
  • ½ cup spearmint Mentha spicata leaf
  • ½ cup rose Rosa spp. petal
  • 1 tbsp licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra root
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon Cinnamomum spp. bark, crushed
  • 1 tbsp ginger Zingiber officinale rhizome
  • 1 tsp clove Syzygium aromaticum bud, whole


  • Combine herbs in a bowl and mix well.
  • Transfer the mixture to a clean, dry glass jar, and label. Store in a cool, dark location, such as a cupboard, for up to 1 year.
  • To use, add 2 teaspoons of the mixture to a stainless steel tea strainer and place in a heat-safe mug. Pour 1 cup (8 fluid ounces) of just-boiled water over the herbs. Cover and allow to steep for 8-10 minutes.
  • Remove strainer and compost herbs. Sweeten tea if desired, and enjoy 2-3 cups a day for 6 weeks.

Herbal Aphrodisiac- Massage Oil

Let the enchanting aroma and the teasing warmth of this sexy massage oil spark the flames of desire. It’s not just a massage; it’s an invitation to explore the realms of pleasure with a playful touch that leaves you craving more. Turn up the passion, turn up the heat – let the seduction begin!

Opposites Attract Massage Oil

When opposing sensations of hot and cold meet on your skin, you may just melt.
Prep Time28 days
Keyword: Herbal Aphrodisiac, massage oil
Servings: 1
Author: Adapted from Herbal Academy


  • ½ cup sunflower oil (or carrier oil of choice)
  • 2 tsp cayenne Capsicum annuum pepper, powdered
  • 2 tsp ginger Zingiber officinale rhizome, powdered
  • 48 drops peppermint Mentha x piperita essential oil
  • 10 drops vitamin E oil


  • Combine the carrier oil and herbal powders in a clean, dry glass jar. Place a square piece of natural waxed paper on top of the jar, then seal the jar with a lid (this protects the extract from any chemical coating that may be on the lid).
  • Place the jar in a warm location for 4 weeks.
  • When ready, strain the liquid through a stainless steel mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth to remove most of the powder. It’s a good idea to strain the liquid once more through an unbleached coffee filter to further remove the powder from the oil.
  • Add essential oil and the vitamin E oil to the infused oil, mix well, and transfer to a clean, dry decorative glass jar. Label and store, unrefrigerated.


Use within 6 months. Not for use on children.
Keep away from the eyes and sensitive mucous membranes to avoid irritation.

I hope you have enjoyed this post about Herbal Aphrodiacs and learned something too. I hope I have inspired you to learn more about the medical properties of Herbs that I find so magical.