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have a mug of the delicious hot beverage we all love in fall, herbal magic of pumpkin spice

Herbal Magic: The Magical and Medicinal Benefits of Pumpkin Spice

Fall is approaching and with that comes the change of seasons. Many of us are eager to throw on sweaters and beanies again. The days are getting cooler and the nights are getting longer. Cozy is king and we are at the height of Pumpkin Spice season! Whether you love or hate it, there is some Herbal Magic behind this blend that we call Pumpkin Spice. Read on to learn the magic of this seasoning and some ways to use it.

The Herbal Magic Within Pumpkin Spice

As you will soon see, all the ingredients in Pumpkin Spice are full of magical and botanical properties. This wonderful mixture is made up of five spices that when mixed together create powerful herbal magic.

Allspice, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, and Nutmeg are all herbs within Pumpkin Spice. It’s a warming mixture that aids in digestion and helps relieve cold and flu symptoms. Just what we all need during the Fall season!

It also has correspondences that promote some positive energy like luck, health, and prosperity.

I have compiled a list of each herb’s Astrological, Magical, and medicinal properties!


Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magical Correspondence: Money, luck, healing

Health Benefits: Allspice contains antimicrobial and digestive stimulant properties. Allspice contains compounds that are effective for easing flatulence, diarrhea, and indigestion, as well as aiding the digestion of rich, heavy foods and soothing menstrual cramps.

Allspice’s antimicrobial and circulatory-stimulating properties also support the body during colds and flu. Its warming and pungent nature helps invigorate the senses and provides comfort during illness.


Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magical Correspondence: Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power, Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love

Cinnamon is known for its ability to warm and increase circulation in the body, making it helpful for alleviating cold symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, fatigue, coughs, and sore throats. It is also thought to aid digestion, particularly of rich and fatty foods, and to help break down mucus from dairy products.


Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Magical Correspondence: Protection, Exercism, Love, Money

Cloves are stimulating to both the mind and body. Their strong aroma can open the sinuses, enhance mental clarity, and is even thought to improve memory. This invigorating effect also contributes to their reputation as an aphrodisiac.

Additionally, cloves are a powerful anesthetic, commonly used to ease pain, particularly in oral conditions like toothaches. Clove has properties that help alleviate stomach and intestinal discomforts such as gas, colic, and bloating.


Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magical Correspondence: Love, Money, Success, Power

Ginger’s digestive benefits make it effective for indigestion, gas, colic, and nausea. Ginger also has antimicrobial properties, making it useful for minor cases of food poisoning.

Ginger has a warming quality that makes it an effective circulatory stimulant, helping to distribute heat throughout the body. This can induce sweating, which helps lower feverish temperatures. Ginger’s ability to thin and move mucus can soothe coughs and provide comfort during cold-related aches and chills.


Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Magical Correspondence: Luck, Money, Health, Fidelity

Nutmeg contains volatile oils that are highly stimulating. In folklore traditions, nutmeg has been revered as an aphrodisiac, believed to enhance sexual stamina and libido.

Additionally, nutmeg has properties that can soothe the stomach and intestines. It is used to ease digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and to increase appetite

If you want to delve deeper into the medicinal properties of these Herbs, check out Herbal Academy’s Blog post PUMPKIN SPICE WELLNESS BENEFITS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT

If you want to jump into the world of Herbalism, Herbal Academy has amazing Online courses and workshops that you can sign up for. I am one of their students myself and am happy to also be an affiliate.

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Pumpkin Spice Recipe

Home Made Pumpkin Spice Blend

Author: The Pioneer Woman


  • 3 TBSP Cinnamon Bark, ground
  • 2 TSP Ginger, ground
  • 2 TSP Nutmeg, ground
  • 1.5 TSP Allspice, ground
  • 1.5 TSP Cloves, ground


Whisk all ingredients together. Add the mixture to an airtight glass jar or container. Label and date jar. 
Enjoy the Herbal Magic of your Homemade Pumpkin Spice through Fall and Winter. (It should last up to four years. However, it loses its potency the older it gets.)
Add it to bread, cookies, coffee, and whatever you want to enhance with this magical blend. 

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