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herbal magic is make with the traditional herbs and spices of thanksgiving cooking.

Herbal Magic for the Holidays: Thanksgiving Edition

Thanksgiving is such a chill, comforting holiday. It’s about being with the people you are close to and those you love. There are no gift requirements and it is just a day to sit around, talking and eating, What’s not to love?! What could possibly make this festive day even better? Perhaps some Herbal Magic!

Turkey, bread, gourds, and pumpkins pie fill a table. The air is full of herbal magic.

Why not add extra love and magic to the Thanksgiving meal with the energy of sage, thyme, rosemary, bay, and cinnamon? I will share all the magic associated with each plant. Let’s get cooking!

Each herb is associated with a polarity (masculine or feminine), a planet, and an element. I’ve listed all of these for the 5 Herbs common at Thanksgiving. Use these properties as a guide to enhance your dishes with a little something extra. Create fabulous meals based on specific intentions you want to bless your loved ones with.

Herbal Magic: Sage

You can’t have Thanksgiving without Sage! Sage is an herb from the mint family that can garnish, infuse, and season food. It is commonly used to season the Thanksgiving turkey and stuffing. Whether you grow your own or buy it from the store, sprinkle some in your Thanksgiving meal for extra positive energy.

As sage is commonly used to smoke-cleanse objects and homes, I like to infuse my dishes with the intention of protection when adding sage.

Magical Energetics and Properties of Sage

Gender: Masculine (assertive and outward energy)

Planet: Jupiter- Expansive, Adventurous, Optimistic

Element: Air- Intellectual, Analytical

Energetics: Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes

Herbal Magic: Rosemary

Rosemary is an easy plant to grow. I have one outside my front door for protection against negative energy.

Buy one from any grocery or hardware store and watch it grow! You’ll have more rosemary than you’ll know what to do with.

Dried or Fresh Rosemary is perfect to add to meats and stews, bread, and butter.

Magical Energetics and Properties of Rosemary

Gender: Masculine (assertive and outward energy)

Planet: Sun-Joy, Confidence, Power

Element: Fire- Passionate, Enthusiastic, Intense

Energetics: Protection, love, lust, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing, sleep, youth

Herbal Magic: Thyme

Thyme is a pungent herb that is used fresh or dried. Use it sparingly, as it can taste bitter.

Add it to gravies, vegetables, and proteins to help bring health and healing intentions to those at your dinner table and just to add to the overall feeling of love.

Magical Energetics and Properties of Thyme

Gender: Feminine (passive and inward energy)

Planet: Venus- Beauty, Pleasure, Attraction

Element: Water- Sensitive, Emotional, Intuitive

Energetics: Health, healing, sleep, psychic powers, love, purification, courage

Herbal Magic: Bay

The most common way to use bay is by adding whole, dried leaves. Add plenty of flavor to soup stews with this one herb. It releases the flavor slowly so placing it in a liquid that is simmered or boiled for longer periods is a great way to enhance a dish with this aromatic herb.

Use bay in your cooking when you want to encourage confidence or add strength and power to someone or an outcome.

Magical Energetics and Properties of Bay

Gender: Masculine (assertive and outward energy)

Planet: Sun- Joy, Confidence, Power

Element: Fire- Passionate, Enthusiastic, Intense

Energetics: Protection, psychic powers, healing, purification, strength

Herbal Magic: Cinnamon

Use a cinnamon stick for a milder flavor and when you are working with a liquid. Ground cinnamon gives a stronger flavor and can be added to vegetables, meats, and baking.

I will add Cinnamon to just about anything. I love not only its flavor but its list of beneficial magical properties.

Magical Energetics and Properties of Cinnamon

Gender: Masculine (assertive and outward energy)

Planet: Sun- Joy, Confidence, Power

Element: Fire- Passionate, Enthusiastic, Intense

Energetics: Spirituality, success, healing, power, psychic powers, lust, protection, love

Herbal Magic: Medicinal Uses

Herbs are a great way to add magical protection, love, or prosperity to the food you share with your loved ones. However, they all also have their medicinal properties that nourish and heal our bodies.

I am still learning about all their amazing abilities and there is a lot to talk about. If you want to learn more about herbs through an herbalist lens, I highly recommend the Herbal Academy.

The Herbal Academy is an herbalism school that offers online classes that you can take anywhere you want and learn at your own pace. Check them out!

Online Introductory Herbal Course


Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs