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How to Use Lavender and its Amazing Ability to Relax and Enhance Love Spells

Whether you grow Lavender in your own yard or buy it from another source, you will find this post helpful. Read on to learn how to harvest it, how to dry it for later use, all the benefits of Lavender, uses for Lavender, and what to do with Lavender.

How to harvest lavender

How to Harvest Lavender

Harvesting the Leaves

Commonly, the flowers of the plant are most often used but you can also use the leaves.

If you are harvesting the leaves, they can be harvested at any time. Just cut somewhere above the woody stem, leaving at least one of set of leaves.

Harvesting the Flowers

As for the flowers, lavender is typically ready for harvest in July or August depending on where you live. However, you want to harvest it when the blooms are nearly open. The flower has its most potent medicinal properties at this time. The more open the flowers become the less potent they will be.

Harvest when the plant is dry. Pick a sunny day if you can. Doing so results in the fastest drying time.

Cut the stems as long as you want but leave at least one set of leaves above the woody part of the plant. This will allow the plant to regenerate.

Where to Buy Lavender

If you can’t grow your own herbs or don’t want to you can always buy some. Check out Mountain Rose Herbs to buy your dried lavender or essential oils.

How To Dry Lavender for Later Use

There are two ways to dry herbs. Find the method that fits your budget and space.

Regardless of the method you choose, ensure the plant is dried in a dry and dark spot.

Sunlight will degrade the quality and moisture can lead to mold.

Once the lavender is dry, crispy, and brittle it is ready!

Remove flowers or leaves from the stem and store them in an air-tight glass jar.

Store the jar in a cool and dark place.

Dry Lavender Flat

Herbs can be laid flat to dry on mesh screens or on wire racks. This method is excellent for keeping the stem straight if you are using it for decorative purposes.

It also provides the most airflow around the plant, ensuring a quick even dry time. The downside is it requires the most amount of space and can cost more.

Hang Lavender to Dry

Lavender stems can be bundled in small groups and hung to dry. The bundles can be hung from the ceiling or from a hook on the wall. This is the method I use because all I need is some string!

The downside to this is that the lavender may mold if it doesn’t dry fast enough and may dry in an unattractive way. However, just make sure you make small enough bundles. I have never had an issue with mold using this method.

Benefits of Using Lavender

Why go through all the trouble of growing, caring for, harvesting, and drying lavender or buying it in the first place?

It has amazing benefits! Read on to see all the uses lavender has and what to do with your lavender.

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Helps you Relax

Lavender has long been used to help relax and calm the nervous system. Not only can it relax your mind but it can help relax your muscles.

Take a bath with lavender buds and watch the tension melt away.

A poultice can be made with lavender and held to the skin to help with aching muscles.

Add lavender to a carrier oil like grapeseed oil or almond oil and use it as a massage oil.

All you need to do is smell it and you become calmer and in a better mood. It’s thought to lift spirits.

Add some fresh lavender to a vase or place dried lavender around a room as potpourri.

Helps you Sleep

Make an eye mask stuffed with lavender flowers. The mask will block out distracting lights and the aroma will help you drift off to sleep.

Or make a sleep satchel and place it under your pillow.

Incorporate a nighttime routine of having a cup of lavender tea before bed and reduce insomnia.

Great for Skin Care

Studies have proven that it is antibacterial and antiseptic. Add lavender to your homemade skin care soaps, lotions, and oils not just for the lovely scent but for its cleansing properties.


Due to its abilities as an antiseptic lavender is added to many slaves to help treat minor scrapes, wounds, and burns.

Fight off colds with this useful herb.

Helps an Upset Stomach

Considered an antispasmodic, lavender can help with indigestion and muscle spasms.

Helps Fight Migraines and Headache

Since it’s known to help relieve tension and stress and calm the nervous system, it does wonders for a headache. Make a tincture with vodka and 1 part poppy seed, 1 part Feverfew, and 1 part lavender. Take 1/2 teaspoon a few times per day to help prevent the onset or lessen the frequency of migraines. (Please see a doctor before trying this suggestion.)

Magical Uses of Lavender

how to use lavender, lavender uses, benefits of lavender

What do I mean by using Lavender in magic? Magic is not the twitch of a nose, or smoke and mirrors. Magic is not make-believe. It is alive and well in the whole world around us.

Sarah Robinson, Yoga for Witches

If you are a; Green witch, Kitchen witch, Hedgewitch, or anyone who practices a spirituality that centers around the natural world, you probably associate plants with certain characteristics or powers.

Depending on your path you may or may not agree with these associations and that is ok.

Magical Properties

Lavender is connected to the planet Mercury. Just like the planetary characteristics, Mercurian plants facilitate clear thinking and communication, and connection to the subconscious mind.

They help to heal illnesses and are tied to the nervous system and the respiratory system. Mercury is the messenger and the connecter. Herbs associated with Mercury have diverse attributes just as the messenger does. Read more about Mercurial Herbs here.

It is associated with the element Air like its ruler Mercury. The Air element is tied to intelligence and thinking and divination.

The following powers are thought to be magical properties of Lavender.

  • Protection
  • Sleep
  • Chasity
  • Longevity
  • Purification
  • Happiness
  • Peace

Ways to Use Lavender in Spells

  • Use it at your altar to represent the element Air.
  • Add it to your Black Salt to aid in the purification of negative energy and protect against it.
  • Lavender oil can be added to a Love Spray. Spray it over your sheets when making your bed each morning to nurture a loving relationship between you and your partner.
  • Make a ward with it and hang it at your front door to protect your home and family from harm.
  • Burn it as incense to help aid divination practices or connect to your subconscious.
  • Use lotion scented with it before bed to help you relax and use it in dream work.
  • Cook with lavender. Add it to baked goods or make a simple syrup to add to drinks. Everyone consuming your goodies will experience health, longevity, peace, and love.
How to use lavender 
Magical uses for lavender

These are just a few ideas that I incorporate into my life. It’s up to you how you use lavender in your spells. I hope I shared some useful ideas that inspired you.


Rosemary Gladstars Medicinal Herbs: A Beginners Guide

Home Grown Tea: An Illustrated Guide to Planting, Harvesting, and Blending Teas and Tisanes

The Complete Book of Herbs: A practical guide to growing and using herbs

Your Backyard Herb Garden: A Gardeners guide to growing over 50 herbs plus how to use them in cooking, crafts, companion planting, and more

Yoga for Witches

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

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