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New Moon 3 Card Tarot Spread for Scorpio Season

On November 13, 2024, the new moon graces the intense and transformative sign of Scorpio, marking a celestial moment that resonates with profound significance. Read on for a New Moon 3 Card Tarot Spread for the new moon in Scorpio.

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Scorpio New Moon Insights

New Moon Energy

The new moon symbolizes new beginnings, and in Scorpio, it takes on a distinct aura of mystery and rebirth.

Scorpio is an archetype of transformation, where the old makes way for the new, and the lunar energy aligns with the essence of shedding the past to embrace a fresh start.

This lunar event invites us to tap into our innermost desires and set intentions for personal growth and evolution.

Manifesting during this time carries a potent energy, as Scorpio’s influence enhances our ability to bring thoughts and dreams into tangible reality.

Scorpio Energy

As a fixed water sign, Scorpio delves into the emotional depths, encouraging us to confront our shadow selves and embrace the darker aspects of our psyche.

The solar plexus, a center of personal power, is highlighted during this lunar phase, urging us to cultivate a sense of inner strength and resilience.

In the realm of Scorpio, the new moon amplifies themes of intuition and manifestation. Scorpio is known for its deep and intuitive nature, urging us to trust our inner instincts and delve into the unseen aspects of our lives.

The Scorpio zodiac sign is associated with many intense themes, including sex, death, power, and passion. Ruled by Pluto and Mars, Scorpio embodies the transformative forces of change and the driving force of assertion.

3-Card Tarot Spread

  1. Death- Dig deep within yourself and discover what no longer serves you. What do you need to put an end to?
  2. Power- Where can you draw from to summon the power to embark on this rebirth?
  3. Transformation- What do I need to hear from my intuition to manifest this transformation?

New Moon in Scorpio Manifestations

In summary, the new moon in Scorpio on November 13, 2024, presents a cosmic canvas for new beginnings, intuitive exploration, and the manifestation of transformative energies. Embracing Scorpio’s themes of sex, death, and power, this lunar event encourages us to dive into the depths of our emotions, confront our shadows, and harness the potent energy of rebirth for personal growth and evolution.