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3 Simple Ways to Manifest Your Dreams at the Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox is when day and night are equal. From here the length of sunshine is increasing. This brings about growth to plants all around. It’s a welcomed sign of rebirth. It’s also the perfect time to harness that energy for our growth and manifest the change that we want in ourselves or our lives.

This article will show you how to use the Spring Equinox as a way to enhance your manifestations.

Spring Equinox

What is the Spring Equinox?

The Spring Equinox is an astrological event that happens every year. In the Northern hemisphere, it occurs when the Sun rises above the celestial equator and begins to head North. At this time, the length of daylight and darkness are equal.

The amount of light increases incrementally until the Summer Solstice. For this reason, it marks the start of Spring. Click here for further explanation.

When is the Spring Equinox?

The day it occurs varies from year to year but it is generally March 20 or 21. Therefore, we find ourselves at the end of the Pisces Season and the beginning of the Aires season. 

Death Leads to Rebirth

Pisces is the sign that rules the twelfth and last house of the Zodiac. The twelfth house represents our inner work. It’s often called the house of undoing. It strongly associates the feeling of winter and the need to retreat indoors. Now that Pisces is over, we restart the Zodiac. Death has come as represented by Winter and now it’s time for rebirth.  

Aries is the ruler of the first house and the first sign of the Zodiac. Aries is the fiery spark. It’s the initiator, a fresh new beginning we are all looking forward to. It’s the feeling of rebirth we know as Spring.  Understanding this, it’s clear how the Spring Equinox can be a wonderful time to do manifestation work. 

Manifestation Steps

Spring Equinox Manifestation

Manifestation is the conscious action of pinpointing what you desire and turning it into a physical reality. It’s the act of bringing something new into your life. However, it’s more than just making a wish and waiting for it to happen. 

 To manifest, there are three things to keep in mind, 

  1. Be clear on what you want
  2. Believe that you can have it
  3. Do the work

Step One

First, you need to know what it is that you want. Wanting “a new job” isn’t clear enough. Think about where your new job would be. Do you have your own office or do you work from home? What would the work for your new job entail? How much money would your new job provide you? Details Details Details. This will help the universe know exactly what you are looking for but it will also help when we get to step three. 

Step Two

Secondly, you need to believe that what you are asking for can happen. Do you believe you can manage a whole marketing department? Why or why not? If you have the skills do you believe you deserve it? You HAVE to believe you are worthy if you want the universe to deliver. 

Step Three

Thirdly, what steps can you take in the meantime? Maybe you need to brush up on your computer skills or take a foreign language. There has to be something you can do or work on while the universe does its part. You both are in it together.

Figure out what actionable steps you can take to help you and the universe make it happen. Because you made your desire clear, it will be easier to generate actionable steps. 

These three components are your part. After that, realize you are not in control but trust that it will be.

In the end, it may not be exactly what you envisioned but it will be exactly what you need. 

Spring Equinox Manifestation

Put it out into the Universe!

Use that extra energy of rebirth and new beginnings on the Spring Equinox to amplify your manifestation ritual. Now that you have a clear and concise idea of what you want, Ask for it! Put it out into the universe. Here are a few ideas for you:

  • Say a prayer asking for your desires
  • Visualize in detail what it is you want to manifest
  • Put it down on paper, Journal your wants
  • Simply say it out loud
  • Put together a vision board

After you have completed asking for it, or while  you are asking for it:

Plant a Seed

The seed represents the new you once your goals are reached. Plant the seed in the ground or into a pot. As you nurture the seed it will grow symbolic of your growing wishes. Water and feed the seed over time in conjunction with taking your actionable steps toward your dream. 

I recommend planting green bean or tomato seeds. They have a higher chance of sprouting than most other seeds. I don’t want you to be disappointed if your seed planting goes nowhere. However, if your seed doesn’t sprout or it dies down the road it doesn’t mean your dreams are dead. It’s more for the symbolism. The universe knows what you want and you both are still working towards it. 

Decorate Eggs

Spring Equinox Manifestation

The Spring Equinox is around the same time as Easter and Ostara. Eggs play a symbolic role in the Spring for good reason. Like seeds, eggs also contain the makeup for life. 

Maybe you are already dying or painting eggs for one of these holidays. If so, as you are decorating pick one egg to represent your manifestation. Think about your wishes as you are working on that egg. After you are done with the celebrations eat that egg if it is safe to do so. Visualize your desires becoming a part of you. Again, continue working on your action steps.

To add to your manifestation ritual, consider dying your eggs with natural dyes. There is a complete course on natural dyes from Herbal Academy. Check it out!

Enroll now in the Natural Dyes Workshop!

Bake Bread

Making bread is a magical endeavor. Bread contains all four of the elements. The Air element is present in the air bubbles produced by the activated yeast.

Water is an essential ingredient in the bread itself and the ingredient flour represents the element Earth.

The element Fire is associated with the heat produced by the oven and is necessary for the transformation from dough to bread.

The fifth element, Spirit, is you! As you make your dough, fixate on your manifestation wishes. Bake it and as you eat it trust that the Universe will bring you what you asked for. 

Click here for a Spring Equinox Hot Cross Bun Recipe by The Witch of Lupine Hollow

I hope the preceding article gave you insights into how and why the Spring Equinox is the perfect time for manifestation.


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