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Summer Solstice Rituals Wheel of the Year

Easy Summer Solstice Rituals to Add to Your Spiritual Practice

Read on to learn how to use the Sun’s energy during Summer Solstice Rituals to improve your success, drive, ambition, power, and creativity.

The Magic of the Summer Solstice

There is a lot of talk about working with the Moon and its phases but have you considered working with the Sun?

The Sun has its own energic associations and is a beautiful ally for manifesting and working with intentions.

The Summer Solstice is a perfect time to use the energy of the Sun to help you enhance your goals or infuse your magic with the power of the Sun.

What is the Summer Solstice?

There are two solstices every year. There is the Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice.

The Earth is tilted 23 degrees. As it revolves around the Sun some parts are tipped away and some are tipped toward the Sun.

When the Northern Hemisphere is tipped toward the sun, it receives more light than any other time of the year. That is the Summer Solstice.

When the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing the Summer Solstice the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the Winter Solstice.

When is the Summer Solstice?

The Northern Hemisphere will experience the Summer Solstice on June 20.

On this day the Sun is at its peak power, this day has the most extended amount of daylight. Afterward, the length of light gets shorter and shorter as we transition into Fall.

Working with Sun Energy for Summer Solstice Rituals

As long as humans have been around, the Sun has been an important and life-giving presence in the sky. Some humans saw it as a god. It was worshiped and regarded with respect.

The sun is associated with the Fire element. It’s easy to see why, it’s a big, firey ball in the sky. The Fire element is seen as energetic, passionate, courageous, dynamic, and confident.

Due to its ability to grow plants, sustain life on Earth, and its elemental component of fire, the Sun has been given many attributes over the years.

Here is a list of some of the Energetic Properties that we have assigned the Sun.

  • Success
  • Empowerment
  • Ambition
  • Will Power
  • Enlightenment
  • Spirituality
  • Masculine Energy
  • Vitality
  • Joy
  • Freedom
  • Leadership
  • Friendship
  • Creativity
  • Self-Expression
  • Growth
  • Confidence
  • Wealth

If you want to improve, work on, and grow in any of these areas in your own life, the Summer Solstice is the perfect time to set an intention or do spell work.

Read on to learn about the characteristics of Sun Magic and How to Harness it.

How to Use Sun Phases in Your Summer Solstice Rituals

Just like the different phases of the Moon, the Sun has different phases. You can use these phases to amplify your work on the Summer Solstice but you can also use the different phases on any day you want! The perk of using Sun Phases is that you don’t have to wait a whole month. The Sun’s cycle repeats every day.

Sun Rise– New Beginnings, renewal, cleansing, changes, resurrection

Morning– Growth, Positive Energy, Harmony, Happiness, Prosperity, Courage, Expansion of Ideas or Plans

High Noon– Health, Vitality, Strength, Illumination

Afternoon– Elimination, Introspection, Reduction

Sunset– Endings, Release, Letting Go, Clarity, Closure

Summer Solstice Rituals

Watch the Sunrise

Set your alarm to 15-30 minutes before the sunrise. Wake up and sit outside or at a window where you can see the sunrise.

Use this magical time to go inward and reflect on yourself and your life. Set an intention for the day or a goal that you would like to work on over the course of a month, season, or year.

Sunrise is all about new beginnings. What new beginning do you want to see for yourself?

Make Sun Tea

This ritual is an easy one that can be shared with the whole family. This spell is a set-it-and-forget-it masterpiece. Place a glass jar or jug full of water and tea and/or herbs outside in the morning sun.

The sun’s rays will hit the glass, warm it up, and imbue the water with all its energy. Later, pull out the tea bag or strain the leaves and place the jar in the fridge. Pour yourself a cup and add any sweetener you’d like.

Drink the sun tea and be infused with its energetic properties. Share with your family to bless them with whatever intention you set.

Make sun tea as part of your summer solstice rituals.

Fruit and Herbs to add to Magical Sun Tea

Lemon– Ruled by the element water and the Moon. Lemon is thought to aid in Longevity, Purification, Love, and Friendship.

Mint– Ruled by the element air and the planet Mercury. Use mint to conjure up Money, Lust, Healing, Travel, Exorcism, and Protection.

Lavender– Ruled by the element air and the planet Mercury. Lavender’s magick uses are Love, Protection, Sleep, Purification, Happiness, and Peace.

Green Tea– Promotes clarity and focus.

Black Tea– Banishes negativity, promotes courage, and brings abundance.

Strawberries– Ruled by the element water and the planet Venus. Strawberries bring Luck and Love to those who use them.

For more Magical Properties of Herbs check out Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.

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Perform a Candle Spell

Tie in the fire element by performing a Candle spell. Candle spells are a great way to make a truly unique and powerful spell.

Decide what type of intention you want to work with and plan the spell around the sun phase that best suits it. Do you want to bring in something new or discard something that is harming or holding you back?

For a manifestation spell, light the candle at sunrise and enhance the energy of a new beginning.

For a banishing spell, light the candle at sunset.

You could make it an all-day spell by anointing the candle at sunrise and placing your intention for the spell. Then allow the candle to charge until noon. Light the candle at Noon and while it’s burning journal, meditate, practice yoga asana, or whatever activity you feel would best accompany the intention you placed.

Add herbs, crystals, flowers, oils, and incense, that feel right.

Create your own candle spell or find one in a book to use as a guide.

Madame Pamita wrote a book all about Candle Magic. Check it out here.

Remember to never leave a burning candle unattended.

Pick Flowers or Herbs

Growing and using homegrown herbs is a favorite practice in my craft. Many herbs and flowers are ready to grow. I highly suggest you try it too.

pick herbs and flowers as part of your summer solstice rituals.

Pick herbs at Noon, if possible, on the Summer Solstice to capture the peak energy of the Sun. I believe this enhances the specific properties of each herb. When you use that herb later on, it will contain the most potent form of its energy.

For example, if you picked Rosemary at noon on the summer solstice, its protection, cleansing, and purification abilities would be enhanced for any spell you use it in later.

Charge Items with the Energy of the Sun

Recharge magical tools in the sunlight of the summer solstice to reactivate their powers. Place talismans, amulets, rings, tarot cards, or any item you want to boost its power in the sun on this day. Feel free to make it a ceremonial affair by; placing the item on a special cloth or surrounded by decorative flowers or sun-safe crystals, chanting an incantation, or writing a petition. Cleansing with smoke and anointing with oil are ways to add magical layers to a spell.

Also, laying it on a window sill without any fanfare is just as acceptable.

Give yourself a Tarot Reading

Do a Tarot card reading. There are many Tarot Spreads built around the Summer Solstice. Find one already created on Pinterest.

Additionally, you could use the Sun’s creative assistance and create a spread just for yourself. Base it around the Summer season and ask about Love or Abundance. You can also just ask whatever you want.

I highly encourage you to write the questions and responses down. This helps you process the messages you are receiving. Also, you can go back later to review the message.

Don’t have a Tarot Deck of your Own? Schedule a Tarot Reading with a professional reader! This is a fun way to engage with your spiritual community and to treat yourself. You also don’t have to put in the hours and sometimes years it takes to learn the Tarot system.

You’d love to learn Tarot? I suggest you start with a Raider Waite Smith deck. It’s been around for over 100 years and there are many books on this system. Do you want a modern take on this classic deck? Try the Modern Witch Tarot.

Do a tarot reading as one of your summer solstice rituals.

Have a Bon Fire

Having a bonfire is an excellent way to connect to the fire element. This is a fire holiday, what better way to celebrate?

After the sun starts lowering towards the horizon, start your fire. Set around it by yourself or with your friends and family. The days will only be getting shorter and we’ll soon be longing for the warm days of summer.

Thank the Sun for all it does and the abundance it provides us. Use the flames to gaze into and reflect.

You can also write on a piece of paper something you’d like to let go of and burn it in the fire. Sunset is a time of closure. What chapter in your life is ready for an ending?

Now you have some ideas for rituals you can do for the Summer Solstice. Make them personal and more meaningful by choosing additional elements that are associated with the Sun.

Color Coresponses to the Sun

Colors Color can be added to connect your ritual to the Sun. Color can be added by the clothes you wear, the color of your nail polish, or lipstick. Choose specific colors of flowers, crystals, or candles to bring in the power and properties of the Sun.

Yellow– Happiness, Abundance, Joy

Orange– Creativity, Confidence

Crystal Corespondances to the Sun

Crystals Whether you decide to perform a candle spell or just reflect while you watch the sunrise, crystals can be incorporated. Crystals are associated with the Earth element but each crystal has its own set of attributes assigned to it. Here are a few crystals connected to the Sun. However, this is just a guide. Use whatever crystal feels right.

Red Tiger’s Eye– Courage, Protection, Luck

Thought to contain Earth and Fire energy. It helps balance both.

Carnelian– Pleasure, Joy, Connection, Controls life force energy and enhances it

Sunstone– Joy, Freedom, Personal Power

The Ancients thought Sunstone was a part of the Sun and carried all its power.

Citrine-Warmth, Joy, Happiness

Herbal Coresponses to the Sun

There are many, many herbs/plants associated with the Sun. Here are just a few. I picked these because they are all readily available in most American grocery stores. Use them fresh or dried. Consume them or use them as additional elements. Be mindful of any allergies you have.

Bay -Protection, Psychic Powers, Strength

Chamomile-Money, Love, Purification

Lime– Healing, Love, Protection

Orange– Love, Divination, Luck, Money

Pineapple– Luck, Money, Chastity

Rosemary– Protection, Mental Powers, Youth

Tea– Riches, Courage, Strength

I hope this post has given you a beautiful Ritual to do on the Summer solstice. Or even better, Inspired you to create your own. As the days go by and the seasons change, I hope you find ways to connect to the passage of time and the cycles of life.