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Tarot Journaling: Self-Reflection Prompts using Tarot Cards

Whether you want to make a daily tarot pull a part of your tarot practice or you want to find new ways to journal, this article is for you. Using the Tarot Card meanings, I’ve created 78 Tarot Journaling prompts to get you started.

Tarot Journaling

I have compiled a list of tarot prompts for each of the 78 major and minor arcana tarot cards.

you may want to pull a card and do the corresponding prompt or you may want to start the prompts with the fool and work your way through the deck.

not only will this practice help you learn the tarot card meanings and give you a personal connection to each card but you’ll also gain a deeper understanding of your self.

Major Arcana Tarot Journaling Prompts

  1. The Fool: Write about a time when you took a leap of faith. How did it change your life?
  2. The Magician: Reflect on a moment when you felt in control and empowered. What did you achieve?
  3. The High Priestess: Describe a situation where you had to rely on your intuition. What was the outcome?
  4. The Empress: How do you nurture yourself and others? Write about the ways you provide care and support.
  5. The Emperor: Think about a time when you had to take a leadership role. What challenges did you face?
  6. The Hierophant: Reflect on your relationship with tradition and conformity. When have you followed or resisted established norms?
  7. The Lovers: Write about a significant relationship in your life. How has it shaped who you are?
  8. The Chariot: Describe a goal you pursued with determination. What obstacles did you overcome?
  9. Strength: When have you demonstrated inner strength and courage? How did it impact your situation?
  10. The Hermit: Reflect on a period of solitude or introspection. What insights did you gain?
  11. Wheel of Fortune: Write about a turning point in your life. How did it lead to a new direction?
  12. Justice: Think about a time when you sought fairness or justice. What was the result?
  13. The Hanged Man: Describe a situation where you had to let go or surrender control. What did you learn?
  14. Death: Reflect on an ending that led to a new beginning. How did it transform you?
  15. Temperance: Write about a time when you found balance and harmony in your life. How did you achieve it?
  16. The Devil: Think about a situation where you felt trapped or restricted. How did you break free?
  17. The Tower: Describe a sudden change or upheaval in your life. How did you rebuild afterwards?
  18. The Star: Reflect on a moment of hope and inspiration. What gave you strength during difficult times?
  19. The Moon: Write about a time when things were unclear or confusing. How did you find clarity?
  20. The Sun: Describe a period of happiness and positivity in your life. What brought you joy?
  21. Judgement: Think about a time when you experienced a personal awakening or transformation. What did you realize?
  22. The World: Write about a major accomplishment or completion. How did it feel to reach your goal?

Minor Arcana Tarot Journaling Prompts


  1. Ace of Wands: Write about a new idea or project you’re excited about. What potential do you see in it?
  2. Two of Wands: Reflect on a decision or plan for the future. What possibilities are you considering?
  3. Three of Wands: Describe a time when you waited for results or progress. How did you stay motivated?
  4. Four of Wands: Write about a celebration or milestone. How did you commemorate it?
  5. Five of Wands: Think about a conflict or competition you’ve experienced. How did you handle it?
  6. Six of Wands: Reflect on a personal victory or recognition. What did it mean to you?
  7. Seven of Wands: Describe a time when you had to stand your ground. How did you defend your position?
  8. Eight of Wands: Write about a period of rapid movement or change. How did you keep up with the pace?
  9. Nine of Wands: Reflect on a situation where you had to persevere despite challenges. What kept you going?
  10. Ten of Wands: Describe a time when you felt overwhelmed by responsibilities. How did you manage?
  11. Page of Wands: Write about a time when you felt enthusiastic and adventurous. What new experiences did you seek?
  12. Knight of Wands: Reflect on a time when you took bold action. What motivated you?
  13. Queen of Wands: Describe a person or time when you felt confident and charismatic. How did it influence your actions?
  14. King of Wands: Write about a time when you led others with vision and passion. What was the outcome?


  1. Ace of Cups: Reflect on a new emotional experience or relationship. How did it affect you?
  2. Two of Cups: Write about a deep connection or partnership. What made it special?
  3. Three of Cups: Describe a time of joy and camaraderie with friends. How did you celebrate together?
  4. Four of Cups: Think about a period of dissatisfaction or apathy. How did you find motivation?
  5. Five of Cups: Reflect on a loss or disappointment. How did you cope and move forward?
  6. Six of Cups: Write about a fond memory from your past. How does it still influence you?
  7. Seven of Cups: Describe a time when you had many options or dreams. How did you choose?
  8. Eight of Cups: Think about a time when you left something behind to seek more. What drove your decision?
  9. Nine of Cups: Reflect on a moment of contentment and fulfillment. What made you feel satisfied?
  10. Ten of Cups: Write about a time when you experienced deep happiness and harmony. What contributed to it?
  11. Page of Cups: Describe a time when you were inspired creatively or emotionally. What sparked your imagination?
  12. Knight of Cups: Reflect on a romantic or idealistic pursuit. What did you learn from it?
  13. Queen of Cups: Write about a person or time when you felt nurturing and compassionate. How did you express it?
  14. King of Cups: Think about a time when you balanced emotions with wisdom. How did you manage your feelings?

Are you a beginner? Are you in the need of your very first Tarot Deck? Maybe you have a hard time understanding the meanings of your current deck. I highly recommend you have a copy of the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) Deck. It’s a classic! Try out the Radiant Rider-Waite by Pamela Coleman Smith here

Tarot journaling Prompts


  1. Ace of Swords: Reflect on a moment of clarity or a new idea. How did it change your perspective?
  2. Two of Swords: Write about a difficult decision you had to make. What factors did you consider?
  3. Three of Swords: Describe a time of heartache or betrayal. How did you heal from it?
  4. Four of Swords: Think about a period of rest or recovery. How did you rejuvenate yourself?
  5. Five of Swords: Reflect on a conflict where there were no clear winners. What did you learn?
  6. Six of Swords: Write about a journey or transition to a better place. What challenges did you leave behind?
  7. Seven of Swords: Describe a time when you had to be strategic or cunning. How did you navigate the situation?
  8. Eight of Swords: Think about a situation where you felt trapped or powerless. How did you find a way out?
  9. Nine of Swords: Reflect on a time of anxiety or worry. How did you cope with your fears?
  10. Ten of Swords: Write about a painful ending or defeat. How did you recover and move on?
  11. Page of Swords: Describe a time when you were curious and eager to learn. What new knowledge did you gain?
  12. Knight of Swords: Reflect on a time when you took swift action. What drove you to act quickly?
  13. Queen of Swords: Write about a person or time when you valued truth and clarity. How did it impact your decisions?
  14. King of Swords: Think about a time when you used logic and authority to solve a problem. How did you lead others?


  1. Ace of Pentacles: Reflect on a new opportunity or beginning in your material life. How did it manifest?
  2. Two of Pentacles: Write about a time when you had to balance multiple responsibilities. How did you manage?
  3. Three of Pentacles: Describe a collaborative effort or project. How did teamwork contribute to its success?
  4. Four of Pentacles: Think about a time when you were focused on security or control. How did it affect your behavior?
  5. Five of Pentacles: Reflect on a period of hardship or lack. How did you find support or resources?
  6. Six of Pentacles: Write about a time when you gave or received help. How did it change your perspective?
  7. Seven of Pentacles: Describe a situation where you had to be patient and wait for results. What did you learn?
  8. Eight of Pentacles: Think about a time when you dedicated yourself to mastering a skill. What motivated you?
  9. Nine of Pentacles: Reflect on a moment of self-sufficiency and accomplishment. What did you achieve on your own?
  10. Ten of Pentacles: Write about a time when you felt a strong sense of family or community. How did it enrich your life?
  11. Page of Pentacles: Describe a time when you were eager to learn and grow in a practical way. What new opportunity did you pursue?
  12. Knight of Pentacles: Reflect on a time when you were diligent and responsible. How did your hard work pay off?
  13. Queen of Pentacles: Write about a person or time when you felt nurturing and practical. How did you provide for others?
  14. King of Pentacles: Think about a time when you achieved material success and stability. How did you build