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Prepare for Mabon with tarot spreads designed to help you connect to the changing season around you. Mabon.

Tarot Spreads for Balancing Life and Introspection: Mabon

Mabon marks the beginning of my favorite time of year! The start of Fall saves me from the Summer heat and now Halloween isn’t far off. I take this time every year to reflect on this season with tarot spreads. I share my favorites with you here.

A table covered in cinnamon sticks, pumpkins, and fall leaves. All of these will be perfect for Mabon Tarot Spreads.

What is Mabon?

Mabon is celebrated around September 21st-23rd and marks the Autumn Equinox. Mabon is the second of three harvest festivals as many foods begin to ripen at this time.

As it happens in conjunction with the Fall Equinox, Mabon has equal lengths of day and night. The daylight begins to wane as we approach Winter, resulting in preparation for the long dark season. Based on these natural elements of this time of year, I have prepared some Mabon-themed Tarot Spreads for you to reflect on this season and aid introspection within yourself.

Mabon Tarot Spreads: Finding Balance

It’s no coincidence Mabon and the Fall Equinox mark the beginning of the Libra Season. The length of day and night are equal. Libra is about Balance and Harmony. If life is feeling chaotic causing you to feel stressed or overwhelmed, ask yourself these questions and pull one tarot card for each.

Reflect on the areas where you lack balance and identify what changes you can make to restore equilibrium. Remember that during this time, the energy of the universe is meant to help ground you and provide clarity.

  1. How can I restore harmony in these areas where I am experiencing imbalance?
  2. What internal conflicts are disrupting my sense of peace?
  3. How can I align my actions and values to create a more balanced and harmonious life?

After pulling your cards, one for each question, reflect on the card’s images and key meaning. How does it relate to the questions asked? Record your cards and your interpretations in your tarot journal. Now, You should have at least a starting point on how you can refocus or take steps to begin to feel more harmony in your life.

Mabon Tarot Spreads: Gratitude and Abundance

As a harvest festival, Mabon is a celebration of abundance. Farmers are bringing in crops and food is plentiful.

If you’re looking to recognize the abundance in your life or want to feel more grateful, I highly recommend this tarot spread to help reveal all there is to be thankful for. Shift your mindset from feeling like you don’t have enough to be happy with what you have.

For deep introspection on gratitude and abundance, here are three reflective tarot questions:

  1. What areas of my life are rich with abundance?
  2. How can I shift my perspective to recognize and appreciate the blessings I might be overlooking?
  3. What limiting beliefs about abundance are holding me back?

After pulling your cards, one for each question, reflect on the card’s images and key meaning. How does that relate to the questions asked? Record your cards and your interpretations in your tarot journal. Now, You should have at least a starting point on how you can refocus or take steps to begin to notice where you have abundance in your life.

Mabon Tarot Spreads: A Time to Let Go

Mabon is a time of balance due to the equal lengths of day and night. However, it is also the beginning of shorter days. As the Sun is seen less and less, darkness fills the sky and the plants begin to die. Just as the trees shed their leaves, we too need to let go of ideas or things that no longer serve us.

It can be sad or scary to let old and familiar things go but it is necessary to allow new things and opportunities in.

Further Your Mabon Tarot Spreads and Inner Reflections with an Oracle Deck designed just for Mabon, Seasons of the Witch: Mabon 

A Mabon oracle deck is recommended for all your Mabon Tarot Spreads.

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For deep introspection on releasing and letting go, here are three insightful tarot questions:

  1. How can I begin to release emotional patterns that are no longer serving me?
  2. What steps can I take to let go of fear or attachments that are holding me back?
  3. What aspects of my past do I need to forgive or heal to move forward freely and confidently?

After pulling your cards, one for each question, reflect on the card’s images and key meaning. How does that relate to the questions asked? Record your cards and your interpretations in your tarot journal. Now, You should have at least a starting point on how you can refocus or take steps to begin to understand what or who needs to be let go and accept that it is necessary.

Mabon Tarot Spreads: General Reading

Maybe you aren’t feeling strongly pulled toward either the Balance, Abundance or Release tarot spreads but want a general tarot reading for the Mabon season. Here are three tarot questions based on the themes of the Mabon and Libra seasons:

  1. Balance and Harmony: “What do I need to know to bring more balance and harmony into my life?”
  2. Gratitude and Harvest: “What blessings should I acknowledge and be grateful for during this harvest season?”
  3. Release and Letting Go: “What is no longer serving me and needs to be released as I prepare for the coming months?”

After pulling your cards, one for each question, reflect on the card’s images and key meaning. How does that relate to the questions asked? Record your cards and your interpretations in your tarot journal. Now, You should have at least a starting point on how you can reflect or take steps to begin to notice how you can align with Nature during this Mabon season.

Connecting to Nature

Connecting to the Seasons and embracing the changes of nature as the Wheel of the Year turns is an important part of my practice. Aside from my tarot readings I also find taking walks in nature, eating seasonal foods, doing holiday crafts, and spending time with friends and family are wonderful ways to embrace Mabon too.

Do you want to connect further with the seasonal shifts and changes that occur through out the year? Try the Wheel of the Year Sabbat Ritual Box.

With each turn of the Wheel, honor the sacred energies of the eight Sabbats. Embrace the magic of every season and align your practice with nature’s shifting tides. This Sabbat Boxes provide ritual tools, herbs, incense, oils, spell work, and guided practices for each Sabbat. Deepen your connection with the enchanted realms & celestial spheres on a year-long journey of empowerment, transformation, and illumination. These boxes are created to enhance the essence of your magical workings!

I hope you find my tarot spreads helpful and healing. Until next time!