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Fire Cider Recipe

The Simple Basics of Making Your Own Fire Cider Recipe

This post is all about how Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is good for your health and how you can turn it into your own Fire Cider recipe to kick up your immune system to fight off colds and Flus.

If you’re interested in herbalism, being able to make simple home remedies, or just curious what all the buzz is about Apple Cider Vinegar Fire Cider, then read on.

Fire Cider

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In the early 2000s, I stumbled upon the benefits of white vinegar. I was young, had no money and I was running out of commercial home cleaners. This was before my inner woo-woo self had come full force but it was in there and it was trying to get out. Somehow I came across a whole book that contained homemade cleaning recipes. White Vinegar was in so many of them! With my newfound book and a love of being green, I embraced the power of vinegar! I have yet to buy a commercial spray since.

Now in my 40s, I turned my focus to my family and my own health. I’d become infatuated with growing herbs and possibly making my own home remedies. Someone on YouTube dropped Rosemary Gladstar’s name as a leader in herbal medicine. Immediately, I typed her name into my library’s database and took her books home. I found an entire book written on the history and use of vinegar as a medicinal home remedy for colds and the flu called, Fire Cider: 101 Zesty Recipes for Health-Boosting Remedies Made with Apple Cider Vinegar By Rosemary Gladstar and Friends As the title states, it has over 100 different ways to make the same Apple Cider Vinegar health tonic. I wanted to try and make a blend all my own.

What is Fire Cider?

Fire Cider is a tonic. It is a mix of spices, vegetables, and herbs that are infused with apple cider vinegar. The liquid is separated from the herbs and vegetables and then taken internally to aid the immune system in fighting off the cold or flu bug. It is very easy and affordable to make.

Read on to learn the health benefits of apple cider vinegar and Fire Cider.

How is Apple Cider Vinegar Made?

Vinegar is French for “sour wine.” It’s a double fermentation process. First, the natural sugars within a carbohydrate (in this case an apple) are mixed with yeast and bacteria. Eventually, it becomes alcohol. A second fermentation turns it into vinegar.

I have yet to try to make my own apple cider vinegar. So if you are like me, make sure you purchase the kind containing the “mother”. The mother is the cloudy substance that sinks to the bottom of the bottle. It is made of dozens of healthy bacteria and enzymes that are called probiotics. Consuming probiotics helps regulate the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract. In turn, that helps support your immune system and allows you to absorb nutrients better.

How does Apple Cider Vinegar improve your health?

Apple Cider vinegar is made with, well, apples. Apples are packed with a multitude of vitamins, minerals, and pectin.

Here are just a few from the impressive list of nutrients they contain.

Potassium is necessary for muscle contraction and nerve impulses, it also helps thin mucus. This is called an expectorant.

Calcium and phosphorus are found to promote bone health,

Chromium helps regulate blood sugar,

Zinc promotes healing.

Apples contain the vitamins A, C, and E which are all powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants fend off compounds in your body that can lead to illness. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12 are found in apples. These vitamins aid your skin, nervous system, muscle health, and digestion, among other things.

60-80% of your immune system resides in your gut. As a result of taking ACV to balance your gut, you are also insuring yourself with a strong immune system.

Lastly, apples contain pectin. Pectin is a soluble fiber that turns to gel when mixed with water in your digestive tract. Toxins and waste built up over time get carried out of the intestines. Pectin softens the stools and helps reduce constipation. Talk about magic potions!

How to make a Fire Cider

As you can see, Apple Cider Vinegar alone has many health benefits. Throw in other medicinal herbs and fruits and you have yourself one powerful cold remedy. There are soooo many ways to make Fire Cider. It’s really up to you. However, there are some ingredients that are an absolute must in my opinion. Read on to understand why.

Must-Have ingredients for any Fire Cider Recipe

Garlic– This is a must in my Fire Cider because of its ability to stimulate white blood cells. Fight off infection with the Antiseptic compounds contained in garlic.

Cayenne- Fresh or powdered will do the trick. This adds heat to the mix. It’s also rich in vitamins which aid the immune system. Add this with caution. Keep out of your eyes and put enough in that it’s spicy but toleratable.

Ginger– Warming and decongestion properties are found within the ginger. It helps correct the imbalance of colds, respiratory congestion, and Flus. Its ability to raise the body temperature helps your body to purge toxins.

Honey- Adding honey adds sweetness and helps the medicine go down. Honey helps soothe a sore throat, can suppress a cough, and helps with upper respiratory infections. If you can’t use honey try maple syrup or another sweetener of your choice.

Other Ingredients to Consider adding to your Fire Cider Recipe

Do some research and find out what ingredients would help you and your family fight colds. Add your own flare to this concoction. Get creative or just use what you have on hand. Experiment and find out what works best for you. Here are some other ideas of what to add and why.

Onions– contain powerful antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, inhibit bacterial growth, and support the immune system.

Oranges– They contain loads of vitamin C which gives the immune system a helping hand

Rosemary– Helps ease sinus pain.

Sage– Used to relieve colds and fevers.

Thyme– Known to help reduce coughing spells, clear chest congestion, and soothe a sore throat.


I based my recipe on what I had on hand and off Rosemary Gladstar’s original Fire Cider recipe which you can find here.

Foxglove and Flannel’s Cold Fighting Garden Cider

My recipe is a variation of Rosemary Gladstar's Fire Cider Recipe.
Prep Time30 days
Keyword: Apple Cider Vinegar, cold remedy, Fire Cider


  • 3 Whole Apples
  • 1 Whole White or Red Onion
  • 4 cloves Garlic
  • 2 Whole Oranges
  • 1 inch Piece of Ginger
  • 1 Tablespoon Cayenne Pepper Powder
  • 4 sprigs Fresh Rosemary
  • 4 Tablespoons Honey
  • 32 ounces Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother


  • Slice Apple, Onion, and Orange and place in a large canning jar with a lid.
  • Remove skin off the ginger and roughly chop or grate it. Place it in jar.
  • Add the Rosemary springs and Cayenne Pepper to the jar. Pour the Apple Cider Vinegar over the top of everything. It should cover the ingredients completly.
  • Cover the jar and set in a place where it can be in sunlight or at least in a warm place. If the lid is metal, protect it with waxed paper as the vinegar will rust the metal.
  • Let the jar sit for at least one month. Turn or shake jar daily.
  • After it has set for a month, strain out all the liquid and add warmed honey. Stir.
  • Take a shot daily to stay healthy or take as needed. If you feel you have a cold coming on take one tablespoon every 3 to 4 hours until your symptoms have resolved.

There are many ways to use herbs to promote health and healing for you and your family. If you are interested in gaining a wealth of knowledge in this area, consider taking an online course. Herbal Academy can provide you with the knowledge you are seeking. Check out their Family Herbalist Package!

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Possible Side effects of taking Apple Cider Vinegar or Fire Cider

As the article on Health.com states, there are some possible risks with taking ACV in excess. Due to its acidic nature, it can cause erosion in your teeth’s enamel and or harm the tissue lining of your esophagus. It could cause heart arrhythmias by lowering your potassium levels too low. It may have counterindications with medications you take. In some people, AVC Fire Cider can cause heartburn.

I am not a Doctor and I am not giving medical advice. Please speak to a medical professional before implementing any new health or fitness routine.