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best tarot reading

5 Steps to Give Yourself the Best Tarot Reading at Home

With its ability to tap into our subconscious and provide insight into our lives, tarot can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and guidance. But how can we make the most out of our tarot practice? In this article, I will guide you through the steps of creating the best tarot reading experience at home.

tarot decks laid out on a table. Which one do you pick for the best tarot reading?

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1. Set aside Time

While I do spontaneously grab a tarot deck and pull a card for a quick reading, The deepest most profound reading occurs when I set aside 30 minutes to an hour.

I don’t know about you but I don’t have an hour every day to dedicate to tarot. So I usually carve out an hour once a week. Sometimes life gets crazy and turns into every other week or even once a month.

We all have different needs, and each day looks different. For instance, I work 4 ten hour shifts and have two kids, a husband, and a dog. I do the majority of the shopping, cooking, and cleaning.

I find an in-depth tarot reading fits best into my schedule on Monday, in the evening, when the guys are at JuiJitsu class. I have the house to myself and know I won’t be interrupted.

Look at your routines and determine when will work best for you. Then, put it on your calendar so you don’t forget! This is your time and you deserve it.

2. Prepare your Space

Creating a dedicated space for your practice can greatly enhance your experience. You deserve a private and tranquil environment where you can comfortably spread out your tarot cards and journal for the best tarot reading at home.

Consider designating a desk or table as your go-to spot for readings, but don’t limit yourself. Whether it’s a home office, kitchen table, or even your bedroom floor, find a space that allows for relaxation and introspection. And don’t be afraid to switch things up if needed – the key is to have a designated area that gives you ample room and a sense of calm.

By consistently using the same space, you can easily slip into the tarot reading mindset and tap into your intuition. This will not only save you time but also make your practice more enjoyable. So go ahead, make yourself a cozy and inviting tarot nook – your readings will thank you.

3. Prepare Yourself For the Tarot Reading

you need to be well grounded for the best tarot reading.

To truly tap into the insight of a tarot reading, it’s crucial to enter the session with a clear and relaxed mind. Luckily, there are several effective ways to prepare yourself for the best tarot reading experience. Consider these suggestions and choose the ones that resonate most with you.

  • Take a few minutes to meditate and quiet your mind, allowing for a deeper state of relaxation. Try incorporating breathing techniques or pranayama to further ground and center yourself.
  • Connecting with nature can also be beneficial. Take a peaceful stroll outside, without any distractions, to fully immerse yourself in the natural world and the elements.
  • Another way to relax and symbolically let go of any negativity before your reading is by taking a shower or bath. The act of washing away stress, anxiety, or any other unwanted emotions can help you approach the reading with a clear and open mindset.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of your outfit. Consider wearing comfortable clothing, like cozy sweats, to focus on relaxation. Or, if it aligns with your personal style, try wearing a silky robe to feel both confident and at ease, or maybe a flowy dress that makes you feel pretty!

By taking these steps to prepare yourself, you are setting the foundation for an incredible and enlightening tarot reading experience.

4. Set The Mood

Before you dive into your tarot reading, take a moment to set the scene. The atmosphere is up to you – think about incorporating symbols of the four elements (Fire, Air, Water, Earth) and engaging all five of your senses (Smell, Taste, Touch, Sound, and Sight). This will help you ground yourself and fully embrace the experience.

For a touch of spirit and fire, light a candle before you begin.

Select a fragrance – such as incense or an oil diffuser – to further enhance your mood. You can even choose a scent based on its characteristics, like Lavender for relaxation or Frankincense for meditation. Whatever aroma you choose, it will add an extra element to your reading.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with lighting. Twinkle lights or dimming the overhead lights can create a more mystical atmosphere provides the best tarot reading.

Consider whether silence or soft background music would enhance your reading experience. Some find Lo-fi music without lyrics to be the perfect accompaniment, while others may prefer the soothing sounds of singing bowls, classical music, or ambient tunes.

A refreshing drink can also activate your sense of taste during a reading. Hot tea is a classic choice for relaxation, but you may prefer a CBD beverage for an added touch of calm without the intoxication. Check out The Hemp Division for tasty and mood-enhancing hot teas and sparkling elixirs.

the Hemp division CBD drink for the best tarot reading.

The Mantra Oracle: An Essential Deck for Self-Discovery

Lastly, consider recording your readings in a journal. This allows you to reflect on your readings and refer back to them in the future. Grab your favorite journal and pen and let’s get started on your tarot journey!

5. Prepare the Cards

You may have multiple decks to choose from – but how do you determine which one is best for your current situation? One tip is to follow your intuition and select the deck that speaks to you the most. Additionally, consider cleansing the deck with smoke before you begin for the best tarot reading.

Now, what aspect of your life could benefit from some clarity or guidance? Whether it’s a specific topic or a general theme, think about how you want to approach your reading. You could use a pre-selected spread or simply pull cards and ask questions as they come. There’s no wrong way to go about it – just trust your instincts and keep your chosen topic in mind as you shuffle the cards.

One important decision to make before pulling any cards is whether you will read reversals or not. This means deciding beforehand if you will turn any reversed cards upright or keep them as is. By making this decision beforehand, you can go into your reading with a clearer understanding of how you interpret the cards.

Enjoy the Best Tarot Reading Ever!

Now you are all set! Start pulling your cards and begin your tarot reading.