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Tarot Fundelmentals: Meaning and Symbolism of The Star Tarot Card

Understanding tarot symbolism can significantly improve your reading skills and your intuitive interpretation of the cards. In a reading, The Star tarot card has symbolism that represents hope and inspiration.

As card XVII in the Major Arcana, it carries deep symbolism, numerological significance, and an astrological connection to Aquarius. Let’s explore the layers of meaning behind this beautiful card and how you can work with it in your tarot practice and journaling. 

The star tarot card had a women with two cups being emptied. the sky is filled with stars and there is a bird and tree in the background.

Numerology of the Star Tarot Card

The Star is the 17th card of the Major Arcana, and its numerology links to the number 8 (1 + 7 = 8). The number 8 represents strength, balance, and the infinite possibilities of personal growth and spiritual connection. In the context of the Star, this numerology reflects how hope, guidance, and a higher vision can bring balance and renewal after challenges (as seen in its predecessor, The Tower). 

Learn More:

Tarot by Numbers: Learn the Codes that Unlock the Meaning of the Cards 

Beginners Guide to Numerology in Tarot: Tarot Fundamentals

The Symbolism of the Star Tarot Card

The Figure: The central figure is often depicted as a nude woman, symbolizing vulnerability and authenticity. She is unafraid to be her true self, embodying a pure connection to the universe. 

The Water: One foot in the water and one on land represents balance between the spiritual and the material worlds. She pours water into a pool (the unconscious) and onto the earth (the physical world), showing the flow of inspiration and renewal. 

The Stars: The large star represents guidance and divine hope, while the smaller stars represent harmony with the cosmos and universal support. 

The Background: Often serene and calm, the landscape suggests peace, possibility, and healing. 

Learn More:

Symbolism and the Tarot: Everyone’s Guide to Interpreting How the Universe Communicates Through the Language of Symbolism

Unlocking the Secret Language of Tarot: 22 Keys to Understanding Its Symbolic Imagery

The Jungian Tarot and Its Archetypal Imagery

Connection to Aquarius

The Star card is ruled by Aquarius, the visionary and humanitarian zodiac sign. Aquarius is associated with innovation, higher thinking, and the collective good.

Like the water bearer, the Star is about pouring wisdom and inspiration into the world. February, as part of the Aquarius season, aligns beautifully with the card’s themes of renewal, future-focused thinking, and alignment with your higher self. 

The Star Tarot Card in Practice

The Star invites you to dream big and trust the process of healing and growth. Meditate on this card during Aquarius season to align with its visionary energy, or journal about its symbolism to discover new ways to connect with hope and inspiration. By embracing the Star, you can illuminate your path forward with clarity, trust, and optimism. 

Learn More:

Blending Astrology, Numerology, and the Tarot

Keywords for the Star Card 

When the Star appears in a reading, it often signifies: 

Upright: Hope, renewal, inspiration, healing, guidance, spirituality, authenticity, peace. 

Reversed: Despair, lack of faith, disconnection, insecurity, self-doubt, feeling lost. 

Journal Prompts for Working with the Star

1. What areas of your life need hope and healing right now? How can you nurture them? 

2. How do you align with your true, authentic self, and what steps can you take to stay connected to it? 

3. Reflect on a time when you felt inspired or divinely guided. How can you channel that feeling into your current challenges? 

For more Tarot Symbolism, check out Symbolism in Tarot: The Magic of Color for Intuitive Tarot Readings and learn how colors can add an extra layer of meaning to your tarot readings.

The Star card is a powerful reminder of the light that follows darkness, the inspiration that guides us, and the healing that renews us. As you work with this card, especially during Aquarius season, allow its energy to remind you of your inner strength and infinite potential. 

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