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Streak Free Glass Cleaner

Have clean and clear glass and mirrors with this easy home made cleaner.
Yield: 8 ounces
Author: Foxglove and Flannel


  • Spray bottle at least 10 ounces or larger
  • Funnel


  • ½ cup white vinegar
  • 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol or vodka
  • 1 Tablespoon cornstarch
  • 10 drops Essenial Oil


  • Add all the liquids to the spray bottle.
  • Shake the spray bottle before use.
  • Spray solution all over glass surface.
  • Wipe with a lint free towel or newspapper.


If windows are very dirty, such as exterior windows, use a cleaner with liquid soap before using this glass cleaner.  
The vinegar will remove any film left over from the soap. 
The alcohol will evaporate quickly and prevent streaks and creates a nice shine.
The cornstarch will prevent water spots from forming on the glass.